Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Think Export!

Perennia Food and Agriculture has partnered with Nova Scotia Business Inc. (NSBI) to bring their popular ‘Think Export’ program to the Annapolis Valley on Thursday November 2nd from 1-4pm for the Agri-Food and Beverage sectors. 

Research has shown that companies that export are more profitable and stay in business longer than companies that do not export. This information session asks the questions companies need to answer in order to become more successful exporters or to tackle new markets.

During this information session we will:
  • Explore export – discuss the benefits, hurdles and myths
  • Chat about what it takes to become a successful exporter
  • Discuss what assistance is out there; how NSBI can help
  • Review upcoming Think Global Sessions and FITTskills Courses
The link to register (free registration) for the event through NSBI can be found at:  https://www.novascotiabusiness.com/events/think-export-information-session-kentville and the deadline for registering is October 31st. 

Looking forward to seeing everyone there!