Weather Station Assistance Program

Wednesday, April 6, 2022


To understand the agricultural benefits of weather stations, you need to understand the importance of weather forecasting to growers. Weather plays a crucial role in commercial and domestic agriculture, and one miscalculation can result in a poor harvest. With labour and material costs increasing, there is very little room for error. Weather stations will not stop a hurricane or a heat wave, but they will provide you with hyperlocal weather data that can be used to make proactive planting and harvesting decisions. Climatic variations across Nova Scotia, particularly the Annapolis Valley, can be extreme. Due to the unique topography and proximity to the Bay of Fundy, weather conditions may vary greatly between two farms separated by less than 25 km.

Agricultural weather stations are specifically designed to deliver more valuable information to growers through real-time data monitoring. For example, weather conditions have a huge impact on crop growth. Many crops require high temperatures and humidity, while others thrive in colder, dry environments. Many growers also use temperature, humidity, and other factors to predict pest infestations and disease outbreaks, so that they can proactively plan planting, harvesting, and protection accordingly. You can accurately track climatic changes over the course of a day, week, season, or year with a weather station depending on your location, allowing you to make informed decisions in subsequent years.


Weather Station Assistance Program

The Weather Station Assistance Program encourages producers to embrace on-farm weather station technology and adopt tools that allow them to fully utilize the data gathered. This will strengthen the industry and empower producers to make necessary proactive management decisions to mitigate the impacts of climate change and adverse weather conditions.


A farm that:

  • is currently and properly registered in the correct income category under the Farm Registration Act
  • applicant is at least 19 years of age and actively farming in the program year

Agricultural Industry Association:

  • represents identifiable Nova Scotia agriculture and agri-food products; and
  • demonstrates not-for-profit status by providing documentation

Read the Program Guidelines for detailed eligibility criteria.

Deadline or important dates

Program Opening: 15 March, 2022
Application Deadline: 30 April, 2022

How to Apply

Complete and submit the Weather Station Assistance Application to the Programs office.

Clients new to programs since 2018 must complete the Program Funding Registration (PFR) Form. Returning clients to update PFR form as necessary.

Supporting Documents

Program Guidelines, Application Form and Program Funding Registration Forms are available in the “Downloads” section.

By: Dustin MacLean, Horticulturalist/Field Plant Pathologist